lunes, 5 de octubre de 2009

Empezando mi journal de Alimentos.

Esto quizas les interese por salud o por estetica, pero alla va:

Write Your Way to Weight Loss

Find out how keeping a journal can keep off those pounds.

journaling weight loss
Writing down what you eat can double your weight-loss success and help you keep those pounds off permanently. After all, maintaining your weight can be harder than losing it, so you need all the helpful tools you can get.

Keep Your New Weight: Why Journaling Works

A study of 1,700 overweight men and women showed that those who kept a regular food and exercise journal, along with eating a low-fat diet and exercising 30 minutes per day, lost 18 pounds in 20 weeks, compared to a nine-pound loss among those who did no journaling.

Researchers believe food journals work because:

  • They make you accountable.
  • They help you identify where extra calories are sneaking back into your diet.
  • They can act as a deterrent — if you know you have to write down that you ate a second generous wedge of double fudge chocolate chip brownie pie, you might not eat it!
  • They provide a concrete record of your success.

One of the lessons many people take from their experience of food journaling is the difference between a serving size as printed on a nutrition label and the amount of a food that they consider to be a helping. For example, a serving of pasta is about a half a cup, so you may be surprised when you start keeping your food journal that your usual helping of spaghetti could be as many as four servings.

Keep Your New Weight: Find Your Best Journal Format

Be creative with your weight journal format if that also helps keep you on track. The word journal may conjure up the image of a leather-bound diary tucked under your pillow, but 21st century dieters can get the same benefit with a high-tech twist — texting.

An eight-week study of 31 families showed that tech-savvy teens were nearly twice as likely to stick to a diet plan if they could text-message about their diet and exercise choices. The study's authors concluded that an immediate response from a nutritionist helped keep them motivated. You could achieve the same results by texting a diet buddy.

Another option is keeping a log of your dietary choices online, which may also give you access to interactive tools such as calorie counters and weight trackers as well as personalized meal and exercise plans.

Keep Your New Weight: What to Journal

Whether you're a next-generation smart phone texter or a spiral notebook traditionalist, you need to keep track of specific details for the best results. Here is a general guide for what information to track in your log:

  • Your weight at the start of maintenance and at your regular weigh-ins.
  • Your goals and any specific guidelines for your meal plan.
  • Specific measurements you are tracking, such as your waistline.
  • Portion sizes of foods — remember to make it servings, not helpings — and food groups.
  • Nutritional information associated with the servings you are eating, such as calories, salt content, fat content, fiber, and carbohydrates.
  • Minutes of exercise expended, plus any other exercise data you record, such as heart rate.
  • Any other habits that you believe are relevant to your weight, such as the time you spend watching TV or playing video games.
  • Any other details about your eating experience, such as where you ate, who you were with, and how you were feeling emotionally at that time.

Write down everything that you eat or drink, including snacks and water. And another success tip: For greater accuracy jot down what you ate right after you eat it.

By keeping a food diary, you'll be able to see if you're about to go over your allotted calories for your current weight on any given day, as well as if you're eating too many or too few calories over the course of a week.

Since it's important to shake up your exercise routine periodically to keep your body challenged, your journal will also allow you to review past workouts and alert you when you’re due for a change.

Journaling is a great motivator, keeping you on the straight and narrow and preventing you from slipping back into old patterns that caused your weight gain.

Last Updated: 04/06/2009
This section created and produced exclusively by the editorial staff of © 2009; all rights reserved.

viernes, 20 de marzo de 2009

Hoy Espirografia con broncodilatador.

Que caro esta el medico y las cuestiones medicas. Un doctor un dia me dijo que el Asma es una "enfermedad para ricos" y la verdad si, todo cuesta carisimo. Aparte, en este bello Mexico, no hay la "SENSIBILIDAD" o la Educacion del Publico para el Asma. Para el Diabetes si, para la Obesidad y la Alta Presion si, el HIV/SIDA ni se diga.. pero nunca, nunca veran un mensaje de sensibilidad acerca del Asma.Aqui, es un VIACRUCIS poder conseguir un Espirografo para medirte el flujo respiratorio en tu casa, muchas farmacias o tiendas que venden medicina o aparatos medicos no saben ni lo que es!. Mexico, lindo y querido,en fin..
Despues de casi una semana de ver donde podia tener un precio mas accesible la Espirometria con broncodilatador que me pidio el internista. Por fin encontre un lugar donde me cobran 500.00 pesos, 200 mas que el resto y pues, ya es algo (considerando la toneladas de citas mas que tengo programadas y las medicinas para el asma que son todo menos baratas). Hoy ire a la 1:30 con el doctor para que me la haga.. tengo miedito de ver como salgo.

Para el examen ese tuve que venirme sin medicina, casi ya voy para 24 hrs y cuando me viene al trabajo fue un suplicio. Entrando al autobus, que estaba lleno; habia un señor que se echo el semai completo del perfume apestoso, inmediatamente senti que me ofendio la nariz y me cerro los pulmones asi que casi corro para el final del camion. Esta ves me fui con cubrebocas sobre nariz y boca toda la trayectoria del camion, no quise ponerme en peligro ya que vengo sin medicamento. Lo que si senti que me afecto inmeditamente fue la alergia, porque al salir de la casa empeze inmediatamente a moquear.

El internista me dijo que hay la posibilidad que mi asma se halla desarrollado por cuestiones "Emocionales" y no por cuestiones fisicas. Por eso me ha mandado con este mundo de especialistas para tratar de probar su punto de vista. Me mando con un Psicologo (para ver si los traumas de mi juventud tuvieron que ver con ella), el neumologo (para la espirometria) y el angilogo (para la pierna inchada que dice puede ser causa de la cortizona) en fin.. parezco una vijita de 60 años y apenas y tengo la mitad, jaja. Ce la vie.

Bueno, en la noche les cuento como me fue..

Paz y Bien!

miércoles, 18 de marzo de 2009



Hoy empezando este nuevo proyecto. Porque? simplemente porque hay veces que sientes la necesidad de gritar todo lo que llevas dentro y no tienes a nadie o simplemente, no quieres gritarselo a ese "alguien" q tienes cercas por miedo a que se rian, te tilden de loca o algo peor.. les ha ocurrido?. A mi si, he aprendido a callar cosas que por decirlas en algun tiempo, me lastimaron mucho despues con ellas... ya les contare si gustan.

Bienvenidos!, Bienvenida cordura, bienvenido..